Saturday, January 15, 2011

Chinese claypot rice...without the claypot

Chinese pot rice is yummy! It's a popular dish in asian cuisine. You can put in any ingredients you want. Some staples in pot rice are chicken, pork, cha-siu, black bean, bok choy...the list goes on. You can essentially add anything you like. It is usually cooked in a clay or ceramic pot. I didn't have one handy, so just used a stainless steel pot. It still worked.

Potato Pork Pot Rice

Here's what you'll need for 1 large serving:


2  cups long grain white Rice
3-4  cups of liquid (water/broth) (depending on how much rice you use)
1/2  pound of lean Pork (slice into 2 inch cubes)
1/2  cup Shiitake Mushrooms (slice into 1/2 inch strips)
1  Carrot (chopped into 1/2 inch slices)
1  cup small Red Potatoes (chopped into approximately 2 inch size)
2  large Scallions (chopped)
2  Garlic Cloves (minced)
Ginger (minced and optional)
2  tbsp Olive Oil (to fry pork)
1  tbsp Canola Oil (to coat rice)
Salt and Pepper to taste