Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Chicken...I mean Lemon Dill Snapper and Orzo — the Amazing Accidental Dish

Hope this gets your mouth watering

So here's the funny story...I took out the piece of chicken in the morning (what I seriously thought was chicken), I mean it was the same exact color, and looking through the plastic bag it was sorta curled up in the size of a chicken breast. Anyways a couple hours later, I go check on my defrosted chicken to marinade. To my surprise it turned out to be a piece of snapper... I'm not usually a huge fish eater, unless it's Japanese cuisine...but sine it was defrosted I wasn't going to waste it. I have nothing against cooked fish, it's just not normally done properly in my house. Most people here prefer over cooked meat of any kind...

Anyways I completely changed what I was intending on making (which was a stuffed chicken bake) and looked around the pantry for something that might go well with the snapper. I found some Orzo pasta, which is sort of like a risotto thingy, but pasta instead of rice. It turned out to be a very nice dish.

Here's what I used for the ingredients:

For Snapper
2 pieces of "Chicken" haha Snapper
Couple sprigs of fresh Dill
1/2 small Lemon
Kosher Salt and Pepper
1 tbsp Grapeseed Oil