Sunday, January 23, 2011

CCC Spaghettini

Chili—Chicken—Cauliflower  Spaghettini ! 
My that's a lot of C's. C if you like it! Haha. This one's got a little kick, but not spicy for you who don't like spicy. Of course you could make it spicy by adjusting my recipe.

CCC Spaghettini

Here's what you'll need to serve 3 medium portions

For Chicken and Marinade:
1 pound Chicken breast (cut approximately 2-3 inch parts)
1 1/2 tbsp Chili Powder
1 teaspoon Paprika
1 teaspoon Tumeric
1 teaspoon Onion powder
Ground Black Pepper

For Sauce and Veg
2 cups Cauliflower
1/2 Red Pepper
2 Garlic cloves diced
1 large Scallion
Fresh Basil leaves
1 cup Broth (I used chicken...but you can substitute what you want)
1 cup water
2 tbsp Grapeseed oil (or olive oil)

Other ingredients:

Parmesan Cheese
Spaghettini (enough for 3)

[Prepping Chicken]:
1) Make sure chicken is dry before adding marinade ingredients
2) Mix and coat well, then cover and set aside in fridge (at least 1 hour)

[Prepping Sauce and Chicken]:
1) Bring oil to medium-high, and put garlic in, then turn down to medium low heat
2) Cook rawness out of garlic, but don't burn...take garlic out of pan and set aside
3) Dump chicken in, and brown both sides nicely...take chicken out of pan and set aside
4) Dump in Cauliflower, and Red peppers, and saute for about 1 minute on high
5) Add stock and water, and bring to simmer, throw garlic back in
6) Add basil leaves, then cover and simmer for 10-15 minutes, or until cauliflower is done
7) Take lid off and reduce liquid, if too much add cornstarch/water mixture
8) Add cooked/drained hot pasta into pan and coat with sauce.
9) Add raw egg and mix into hot pasta if desired (gives it thick texture and body)
10)Add scallions ontop and grated parmesan

This was another tasty pasta dish. Had a little chili kick, but not a spicy-hot kick. If you want it spicy, then add more chili powder or hot sauce. The chicken was nice, and somewhat reminded me of Indian style chicken...not that I've had too many experiences with authentic Indian food. But it was definitely earthy, and you could taste the nice complementary flavors of the paprika, tumeric, basil and the pepper. And the chicken was also super tender...oh my so nice. Just another recipe add to my ever growing pasta list. Good golly I love my pasta~

Anywho, until next time, enjoy and rock on!


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